Thursday, November 17, 2011

Bible Reading and Prayer

In this world today, everyone has a sense of what they think is right or wrong. Everyone knows what they think is good and what they think is bad. The big question is this: who is right? Who has the right standard? There are all sorts of ideas, but they can't all be correct. Only one is. So, what is right? What is wrong? What is just, and what is evil? There is only one who knows, and that is God. He made the Earth in six days just by speaking. He also set the holy standard for good and bad. Later on, throughout ancient history, God would reveal that standard to dozens of people, who, in turn, wrote those standards down. Eventually, through the will of the Almighty God, all those accounts would be put together into one book, the Bible. The Bible is the Story of man's salvation and is the standard by which man must live by. We want to know what is right. The only way to do that is to be regularly in God's Word. It is absolutely essential for us as God's teens to be regularly studying and reading God's word. Prayer is essential as well. Prayer is two-way communication. You aren't the only one talking. You speak to God, and God speaks to you in His word and in life. Like a soldier must check in with his commander to know his objective, we must continually check in with God to learn His plans for our lives. God has something uniquely marvelous or each of us individually. And He is going to work through it with you. Remember Jeremiah 29:11? God knows His perfect plan for you, but you won't know it, unless you are in constant contact with God. He is always there. God needs no voice mail. He doesn't put you on hold. He listens to you and answers your prayer. All the time. So read your Bible! Pray! Ask God what He has in store for you today, tomorrow, and for the rest of your life! If God doesn't show you the big picture, don't sweat it! God has it all under control. You just need to obey Him, and He will take you through life, step by step. Some people call reading your Bible and praying "quiet time." Whatever you call it, do it! Read your Bible! Pray! Strive to do it everyday! Within the hustle and bustle of life, plan a time for you and God.

Monday, October 31, 2011


As teens, we often experience a multitude of temptations. The temptation to rebel, to swear, to be mean, to lie. How are we to resist those temptations? What if we feel alienated because we are experiencing temptations to do things we see as unnatural or not normal? The Scripture says in 1 Corinthians 10:13 that, "No temptation has seized you except for what is common to man. And God is faithful. He will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, He will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it." There are three main points to this verse: 1) The temptations you feel are normal. Sin has infected this world and tainted what God has made good. Temptation to sin is normal, no matter what the sin is. 2) God won't allow you to be tempted beyond what you can handle. Temptations are tests. God uses them to test you. But He won't make you do anything you can't handle. 3) When you are tempted, God will provide a way out. There is always another way. Trust God to show you that way. Temptations are enticing. The sin seems fun. But the result is destructive. James 4:7 says, "Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the Devil, and he will flee from you." Pray and ask God to give you the strength to resist temptation. Resist Satan, and he will run away.

Saturday, October 15, 2011


As teens, how do the choices we make affect the way we live?

Sunday, September 25, 2011

God's Plan

Jeremiah 29:11 says, "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." How can this be applied to us as teens? What is God's purpose for the teenage years? Development? Learning? Preparation? What do you think?

Monday, September 19, 2011

Living as God's Teens.

In many places around the world, teens are looked down on and are shunned because of low expectations put on them. In America, most teens are usually expected to become drug addicts, drink, lose their virginity, or rebel, whether they be personal or public offenders. The expectations of teens are so low because some choose to live their teen years in the wrong way. The teen years are years of development physically, emotionally, and spiritually. The decisions we as teens make now will affect the person we become in the future. What kind of person do you want to become? Teens all over the world are wasting their lives for pleasure and gain. How are you going to live in these years? God calls us young men and women to "be an example to the believers" (1 Timothy 4:12). God has high expectations for us teenagers. Let's start living as God would want us to. Let this blog be a place for spiritual discussion and encouragement. This blog is for you guys. Discuss, encourage, share what you have learned from God. Let's show people that we can be mature, responsible, God-loving teens. Let's start living as God's teens.